
Explore the Silicon Valley of Mexico.



Nearshore talent access and management.

It’s harder than ever to find skilled tech talent. When you do find IT professionals, they’re either too expensive or lack the soft skills required to succeed in your environment.

With a 1.9% IT unemployment rate and demand increasing faster than supply, that’s not likely to change any time soon.

You’ve probably considered outsourcing to Asia or Eastern Europe, but setting up a company and managing talent on another continent is intimidating. So much cost. So little control.

Fortunately, there’s a whole world of talented technology professionals right next door in the Silicon Valley of Mexico – Guadalajara. These professionals work in the Central time zone, live just a short nonstop flight from major U.S. cities, and share more cultural similarities to the U.S. workforce than you might expect.

Oh, and this bustling metropolis of 5 million people also boasts college-educated English-speaking professionals for other critical functions, including:

  • IT support and operations
  • Software and application development
  • Back office and administration
  • And, yes, even a call center

Tackle the talent crisis with Protego. We deliver turnkey on-demand access to top people at a cost savings of up to 40% vs. hiring in the U.S – and do it all right next door in Guadalajara.

Greater Guadalajara.

Facts and figures.
  • 5 million residents – 20th largest metro in the Americas
  • 40% of Mexico’s IT industry
  • 28 technical institutes and universities
  • Central Time Zone – just like Chicago and Dallas!
  • Home to Cisco, HP, IBM, Intel, Oracle, Toshiba, and more

Case Study

A sheltered nearshore success story.

How one CIO rapidly expanded his capabilities at a lower cost vs. building a U.S. team.

< 30 days

from launch to first hire

90% retention

hires past 90-day probation

40% savings

vs. total cost for U.S. team


Ready to get started?

We look forward to helping you tackle the talent crisis. Schedule your consultation today!